
Jeff RossiterMonster Redfish 40 lbs. caught in the lagoon. 8/15/06Sep 22, 2006

Phil DiDomenicoHuge redfish 45-50lbs. in the lagoon. 8/15/06Sep 22, 2006

John MossGag Grouper in the river on pinfish. 9/07/06Sep 14, 2006

Jimmy WinterSnook 9 & 12 lbs. 9/11/06Sep 14, 2006

NateCobia 32lbs. caught offshore 08/22/06Sep 14, 2006

AFLICA Snook LimitSnook limit for Dick Catri, Bill Sephlow, Herb and Mike Mann. 09/05/06Sep 14, 2006

Daryl DixonSnook 10 1/4lbs. first day of season Sept 06. 9/01/06Sep 14, 2006

Capt FrenchAfrican Pompano 45 lbs. caught offshore. 08/22/06Sep 14, 2006

Bobby Heater48 lb. Gag Grouper offshore. 9/08/06Sep 14, 2006

John MossFlounder 4 lbs. on pinfish in the river. 09/11/06Sep 14, 2006

First for the SeasonPete Turner, Justin and Sherrie Stovall with an 11' 2" gator.
06' Season.Sep 05, 2006

Another Birthday Gator!Justin Foster with his first ever Gator, 10" 10' on his 20th Birthday!
06' SeasonSep 05, 2006
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