
Big Black Drum!Granny w/ her two nice Black Drum 8 1/2 & 8 lbs.
Jan 14, 2006

Paul DoyakNice keeper Redfish Jan 14, 2006

Dean GoodFlounder 8 lbs.Jan 14, 2006

Back at it agian today!!!!!!!Vic, Jody, Pete and Repete
Nice limit of Red Snapper and a grouper for color!Jan 13, 2006

The fish is really nice size!!!!!!George Bolton 6'3" w/ Red Snapper
Mike Bolton 6'5" w/ Grouper 20 lbs.Jan 13, 2006

The start of the winning streak!!!!!!!Nice day for the Turner crew with a few kings and 2 cobia!Jan 13, 2006

Not a bad catch for a canoe!!!!!!!!Turner Crew back at it again. Limit of kings w/the biggest at 20lbs. , limit of red snapper up to 7 lbs., and a 27 lb. Cobia to boot!!!Jan 13, 2006

Do you guys work?Another limit of red snapper for Pete Sloan, Charlie Ryder, Dave and Pete TurnerJan 13, 2006

Still On the Kill!Pete Turner, Charlie Ryder, Mike and George Bolton with a limit of Kingfish, Red Snapper and Gag Grouper.Jan 13, 2006

Jim Stovall, Justin Stovall & Garth JonesA break in January 06' weather, and two tanks each ='s 9 lobsters! Way to start the New Year!!Jan 10, 2006

Weston SchofieldWahoo 26 lbs.Jan 04, 2006

Bob AlbaneseQueen Snapper Jan 04, 2006
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