Whiteys Fishing Outfitters, Sebastian Inlet Florida
Established in 1964.
is more than a tackle shop. Just 2 miles North of Sebastian Inlet,
Whitey's has everything you need. Our staff are knowledgeable fishermen
and can help choose the right bait and tackle for the species you wish
to target. Whiteys is a piece of "Old Florida", much the same as when
"Whitey" first opened for business. It's the place where locals meet,
socialize and swop fishing stories. Stop in for your supplies, or a
draft beer and visit. Browse our site for interesting information on
Baits, Tackle, Charters, Weather, local attractions, and more. Weigh
your catch on our certified scales and have your photo taken for
Whitey's Photo Album and Web Site.
hopes you enjoy your visit to our area.
There's lots to see and do, fishing, surfing, camping, boating and the
opportunity to view wildlife in and around the most biologically
diverse estuaries in North America, the Indian River Lagoon. Check out
the attractions, and our Inlet Fishing Guide on WHITEYS LINKS, just
Whiteys Cobia for Cash Tournament 
During the spring months boaters get a little Cobia
Crazy! While running the beaches looking for a Manta Ray feeding
on the surface, you might catch a glimpse of a dark shadow below.
If Cobia season is open, make a cast and see if a Cobia worthy of keeping lingers
Stop in Whitey's for all your fishing needs, and if Cobia season is open, sign up and head offshore. Results are posted on a
daily leader board:
Cobia Tournament Leader Board
Whiteys "Door Mat" Tournament

Annual Whitey's Flounder Tournament . This Tournament usually starts every year on November 1 and runs until the end of
the year. When the cooler weather arrives get on the water and go
for that monster Flounder to top the scales. Whiteys has pleanty
of live bait avaliable for any of your fishing trips. Call us to get the
latest tide report.
Sign up, and be sure and check
the leader board which is updated daily. Check out the link for
more information and rules. Flounder Tournament 14
Check us out for some of the latest fishing photos, tournament updates and fishing reports.
Sebastian Inlet
Grill and Inlet Marina Under new management

Sebastian Inlet Grill soon to be under new management going forward. Whitey's hopes the excellent service and menu it's become known for will continue. Inlet Marina will be under new management as well.